Monday, September 12, 2016


On 5th of January 2016 the constitutional amendments were signed into effect. And among the amendments was the mode of electing mayors into office. One might ask, what is the importance of such an amendment? But for one to know that they need to understand how important the office of the mayor is. Allow me to be a bit academical   
Its emphatic that the credibility of any democratic nation depends on the strength of the institutions it builds, notably its capacity to meet citizens’ demands for service delivery and accountability. In the process, enhancing the performance capacity of government decentralizing power from the national level to the municipal level is cardinal. Decentralization is considered a tool to deliver results shaped by local needs and market realities, engage citizens in decision making, and bridge ethnic divisions. And directly-elected mayors assume a primary role in helping ensure accountability, transparency and responsibility.
The word Mayor pronounced /ˈmɛər/ or /ˈmeɪər/ is from the Latin maior [majˈjɔr], which means "bigger". In many countries, a mayor is the highest-ranking official in a municipal government such as that of a city or town. Worldwide, there is a wide variance in local laws and customs regarding the powers and responsibilities of a mayor, as well as the means by which a mayor is elected or otherwise mandated. Depending on the system chosen, a mayor may be the chief executive officer of the municipal government, may simply chair a multi-member governing body with little or no independent power, or may play a solely ceremonial role. Options for selection of a mayor include direct election by the public, or selection by an elected governing council or board.
MAYORS are meant to be guarantors of services, the public good and citizens’ participation in local life.[1] Clearly, good governance needs to combine economic policies that support city prosperity with good social policies. Mayors play an important role in governance, in fact in “good governance”. This is an office that, in a fully decentralized unitary state, is a pinnacle point in bringing about balanced and sustainable development that stems from the grass roots.
So what creates and sustains “good governance,” a few things can be attributed to what creates and sustains ‘good governance’ and these include:
·         elected leaders in local governments;
·         local governments with the capacity to act, including the resources and powers to allow them to do so (often linked to decentralization);
·         formal and  informal avenues to allow civil society to influence what governments do and hold them to account;
·         organized urban groups that can work at the level of the city, that are able and willing to interact with local government and to whom local government is prepared to listen (otherwise middle- and upper-income groups are likely to be the key civil society influences on city policies); and
·         a rule of law not too biased against the less privileged groups and their informal housing and enterprises. Of course, this rule of law must also protect community leaders and other citizens from arbitrary arrest (or worse).
It is however quite difficult to generalize when the scope for what can be done and what needs to be changed is so rooted in local contexts and local political forms – as well as the extent of supportive laws and institutions at higher levels of government. Local governments have important roles in addressing poverty and inequality. In cities where low incomes are a reality for a significant proportion of the population, their access to safe, secure housing, infrastructure, services and other resources is critical for avoiding poverty.
So WHAT MAYORS DO and think is obviously an important influence in many cities. Mayors generally head the political and administrative parts of urban governments that are so important to low income groups with regard to the potential for getting or building housing (or land for housing), being able to pursue livelihoods, having access to water, sanitation, health care and education, and often for the rule of law. Local governments are particularly relevant to people’s daily lives as they manage the infrastructure and services that directly influence quality of life.[2]  Mayors generally have some influence on the form of the city’s current and future development, including its success in attracting new investment. They are also likely to influence the form and extent of the urban center's physical expansion (and whose needs are accommodated in this expansion) by the extent of their commitment to managing land use in ways that allow low-income groups to get land for housing.
In some contexts, mayors have considerable importance for the nature of the government’s relations with urban poor groups – for instance, in opening and maintaining dialogue with these groups or other groups whose needs have been given inadequate attention (including women, youth or children), and in piloting institutionalized change that can transform the ability of an government to address the needs and interests of the poor – for instance, through introducing or supporting participatory budgeting[3] or choosing to support representative organizations of the urban poor.
Local democracy has been an important feature of most pro-poor city and municipal governments. In addition, most of the more innovative mayors have been directly elected by city voters (rather than chosen by elected city Councillors). Perhaps mayors who depend on voters in their city or municipality are more likely to be responsive to the needs and priorities of these voters – although it might also be that such mayors are more visible and that their work and influence is noticed more than that of mayors or heads of city councils who are chosen by elected city Councillors. In addition, elected mayors may focus their attention on the people and urban districts that helped get them elected or, once elected, become less responsive to civil society demands and pressures as they claim that their election gave them the right to make decisions. It should be emphasized that with directly-elected mayors the chain of responsibilities are clear for executive decisions, and mayors have full accountability.
In many nations, mayors’ capacity to act is severely constrained by higher levels of government and by long-established traditions of clientelism or corrupt practices within local government. In many low-income nations, it is constrained by very inadequate funds available for investment in relation to deficits in infrastructure and service provision.
Mayors generally head the political and administrative parts of local governments so what they do and think influences government policies and practices. Many mayors have been important for poverty reduction, as their attitudes towards or relations with low-income groups and their settlements influence the possibilities of these groups getting or building housing, being able to pursue livelihoods and having access to water, sanitation, health care and schools. Successful mayors have balanced the need to attract new investment and support business expansion with good social and environmental policies; many have made government agencies more responsive and accountable to citizens, with particular attention to allowing more voice and influence to low-income groups or other groups that generally have little influence. The nations where mayors have had positive roles in development are mostly nations where local government reforms have strengthened the capacities of city and municipal governments while also increasing their transparency and accountability to their citizens. With the new reform in Zambia we hope to see a positive change that will spur development and improve people’s lives from the grass roots all the way to the top.

What Do You Think about Elected Mayors, Feel free to share your comments??

[1] See Diop, Mamadou (2007), “The role and place of mayors in the process of decentralization and municipal management in Senegal”, in Dickson Eyoh and Richard Stren (editors), Decentralization and the Politics of Urban Development in West Africa, Comparative Urban Studies Project, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC, pages 197–208
[2] Julio Davila’s interviews with four Colombian mayors
[3] Marcondes, Claudia and Richard Stren (2001), “A conversation with Raul Pont, mayor of Porto Alegre”, in Mila Freire and Richard E Stren (editors), The Challenge of Urban Government: Policies and Practices, World Bank, Washington DC, pages 145–150.

Monday, January 26, 2015



Many Resolutions are written down
It’s a new year and that time of year when we set down our new year’s resolutions most people will 1st focus on increasing the money in our pockets, or big car, big house big everything but miss out to put down resolutions to make our hearts bigger to be able to live in peace with one another - and also to renew our minds?

One thing I have come to discover about life is that going through the process of self-discovery (mental makeover) is just as important as giving ourselves a physical makeover. From the adage “from the abundance of our hearts our mouths speak” in the process of changing our inner selves we need to watch what we say

How we speak -to others and to ourselves -has a huge impact on our overall outlook. Let 2015 and the years to come be have some resolutions about how we're communicating? Here are some words that will transform the way you think, feel and act. Try using your words to change your life? This will be a resolution worth keeping.


when we are kids we are always told to say ‘PLEASE’ when we are asking for something, it’s among the smallest of words, but the most important as it symbolizes the best of manners -which, quite honestly speaking, needs to make a comeback. Good etiquette and manners have a lot of benefits, from increasing your social connection to helping you disconnect. Take a moment and think about it: what’s the likelihood of you fulfilling a favor if someone asked you politely? This word possesses power


Might sound funny but it’s an honest observation that actually many people get squeamish when receiving compliments resulting in responses that are usually laced with self-depreciating humor that brushes off the genuine statement. Only about a third of the people accept complements graciously. However, saying THANK YOU more often not only acknowledges the other persons kind words but also helps you believe and appreciate them.


Gratitude expressed can make you happier and healthier. So keep a gratitude journal or just reflect on what you’re thankful for at the end of each day, week or month even season. There’s so much to be grateful about so just let it flow.

Improve Yourself Heart, Body and Soul

One time or another life happens. Half of the time we have no idea what to say. Or simply we bump into people needing assistance. If you can be supportive of the individual in a way that allows them to tell you about what they're experiencing and why they may be experiencing that. I don’t know if you have noticed but helping others isn't just good for them, it also can give you a boost. ‘True Story'
. So look into having a resolution where you’ll be able to apply yourself to be relevant especially in your loved ones life or just anyone, and the best way to support them is just offering to do so. You don’t even have to do research to know that giving back can increase self-satisfaction and a sense of purpose, while volunteering can improve longevity.


No man is an island! So as much as you would want to help the whole world and be superman you’ll also need some sun to recharge. Asking for help also carries weight. There's nothing wrong with admitting that you need a little assistance. A Bemba proverb says “uwa pakanwa taluba” (who ever has a mouth can never get lost). In fact, it can be transformative. We're often worried that asking for help will make us look stupid, but seeking advice can actually make you appear more competent. Think about it!


This one is probably one of the most used words of 2015. It is important as it means you’re actively or fully engaged or occupied with something hopefully productive.  In the past year, we've been more burned out than ever, and our constant busyness is standing in the way of our capacity for joy. But remember you can be busy whole year through without accomplishing anything. Many are the times we fall prey to our cultures busyness, having little sleep always burned out by the end of the day feeling like we have to catch up with the ‘race’. But ultimately did you know that there is no race except for the one we assign ourselves to? So let's eliminate the word busy, and actually mean it.


Especially for business and office people. Technically you're not saying this, your inbox is -but this typed phrase is still vital to your well-being. People seem to be too stressed nowadays, this may be attributed to the fear of taking their vacation days, and instead surrender to being burned out and overwhelm at work. Planning a vacation - whether it’s real or just one from your busy mailbox - can boost your happiness, reduce stress and increase job satisfaction. So let your Out of Office message do the talking, and plan to take some time for yourself this year.


Once I heard someone say, real men don’t apologize. Well some women never apologize either. Most of the times it's hard to admit when we're in the wrong, but doing so can drastically improve our lives (not to mention our relationships). Guilt can physically weigh us down - so let it go with a heartfelt apology and leave the baggage of guilt behind.


You can do anything, but not everything. Sometimes it's simply OK to just say "NO" if you're unable to or you’re too overwhelmed, especially if it means you'll avoid being burnt out. Did you know that sometimes the best way to complete a project is by dropping it entirely? Now get me right I don't mean ignoring the other needs, what am trying to say is when you’re in it, you’re really in it. And that means often saying no to good things, to things that you might want to do, but get in the way of sleep, or get in the way of being with your children, or spending quality time with friends and family, or whatever it is that's also very important to you.


It is a simple word, but in a way it could help you get what you want. Most times those people who reason with "because" in a sentence are more likely to receive what they are asking for than those who make a request without reason. For example, on a phone call and you want to cut the line, and you say, "Excuse me, I would like to cut the line because I have five pages of my assignment to type.” Or “May I please use the photocopying machine because I'm in a rush?" you’d easily be given access more than the one who doesn’t give a reason for their request. Why? Because it’s easy to gravitate to someone who is kind as well as genuinely honest.


This one has to do with healthy eating or behavioral resolutions. Try swapping "can't" for "don't." if you’re genuine with yourself and you use a phrase like "I don't eat cookies" you will tend to have more self-control and positive behavior change than that one who says "I can't eat cookies."

Work on the Things You Can Change

Life as we know it is bittersweet, not everything is going to turn out the way we planned and that's fine, trust me. Accepting life as it is instead of worrying about how it "should" be can be quite a liberating feeling. Stressing over the little things can negatively impact our lifespan, take a toll on your body and more. Learn to let go and let God. 


They say “variety is the spice of life.” When was the last time you embraced a little adventure? New experiences are at the tip of our hearts but usually that’s where it all ends, we rarely go out on a limb. Especially if you’re one who enjoys life through experiences and not things, you’ll be happier. There’s just something about making memories so why not travel off the beaten path this year?


It’s a hustler’s world, and we gots to make a buck. Because of that we end up finding that we are neglecting sleep. And adult needs eight hours of sleep - but nearly three quarters get less than that. Its time to start hitting the hay earlier! Remember, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

Make a Resolution to Keep your Resolutions

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
and No one's ever achieved financial fitness 
with a January resolution that's abandoned 
by February


Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Conflict, the ungovernable force, has been responsible for a number of social problems such as poverty, war, and death. Every society tries to avoid conflict because it is undesirable. On the other hand, conflict is perceived as a bonding force in social relationships. It’s no lie Conflict is inherent in all societies. Differences in interest and opinion between groups are natural, and the means of expressing and managing such differences determine whether conflicts manifest themselves in primarily non-violent or violent ways. However, the truth of the matter is that conflict can be either a positive or negative force - therefore not all conflict needs to be resolved. The key is to understand the difference.

Conflicts in Zambia have existed since time in memorial some have been constructive and some have been very destructive. This is in respect to the political climate in Zambia. Conflicts have seen the introduction of multiparty state system, increased security and in other instances deaths and injuries of people. Daily and yearly conflicts will always be experienced and we cannot stop that phenomenon. However, understanding conflict is essential in order to channel it to yield positive results and also to help us understand our societal differences from individual to national level.

The "bad" conflict that everyone knows and loathes is known by conflict management professionals as "catabolic" conflict. This type of conflict is usually characterized by chronic and unresolved issues of confusion, role identity, communication, imbalances of powers and duties, perceived injustice issues, a history of improperly handled disputes, exclusion, and the list goes on.
Contrariwise, "good" conflict, which is more professionally known as "anabolic" conflict, is rarely talked about - even in professional circles. Anabolic conflict is characterized by open discourse, honesty, investigation and introspection of key processes and players, acceptance of diverse ideas, and collaboration (which we rarely see in our societies).

The problem with conflict is that the two types run counter-intuitive to our inherent emotional state as human beings. Anabolic conflict is in your face and open. Catabolic conflict, by contrast, is very subtle and may take a long time to grow and show itself. Therefore, human nature is to quash the conflict that is most apparent and adjust to the subtle conflict that no one can quite put their finger upon. So, how can one identify what is good and what is bad?

Because anabolic conflict is so apparent, it is critical to make sure that we understand its inherent nature best. By nature, anabolic conflict happens when there is an open and honest questioning of procedures. It is the type of conflict that begs for constant innovation and collaboration based in open discourse. For such conflict to work best it means that leaders, key workers, and other stakeholders have to be open to change and not take commentary to heart. This may sound easy to do but in practice it can be very hard to keep one's emotions in check when your ideas, your work, your investment in a group, etc. are called into question or open discussion for inspection.

Catabolic conflict is usually the product of previous anabolic conflict opportunities being previously stifled or never seized. It may be where a worker asks a supervisor a question only to be dismissed, admonished, or publicly chastised for being "insubordinate." It can also happen when communication is so broken down that no one knows what the other does or even what they may need to best do their job. Input is usually never asked or comes at the fear of punishment.

It doesn't matter whether it is in a domestic setting, a club or civic group, a church or synagogue, a non-profit, a government agency, or a for-profit business - conflict of both types will routinely pop-up. What makes a Fortune 500 company different from their competitors, a mega-church growing while others are dying, and a phenomenal relationship different from a heart-wrenching nightmare, a blossoming and stable political party favoured by many from one that is loathed and not respected often hinges upon which type of conflict you feed and which one you try to extinguish.

Whenever you are in conflict with someone
there is one factor that can make a difference
between damaging your relationship
or deepening it, that factor is

In what ways do you think people can use conflict for the betterment of their societies??

Monday, June 3, 2013

Mind Spoken: BitterSweet - Take Over @BitterSweet Poetry Temwani's Album Launch

Mind Spoken: BitterSweet - Take Over @BitterSweet Poetry Temwani's Album Launch 

BitterSweet - Take Over @BitterSweet Poetry Temwani's Album Launch

The Dynamic Dou happy people sharing a part of themselves at the BitterSweet Poetry Show Temwani's Album launch. Join us every two weeks as we take the Art Of poetry to another level in our won authentic and unique ways.... as endowed by our God.
For any queries, ideas, collaborations, bookings, creativity and event management feel free and get in touch with us...on
Call: 0977312817, 0967766557
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Like Bitter Sweet Poetry page

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The previous weeks have been quite something with issue of subsidies in the air, fuel increment cascading to the increment of everything including the basic needs for survival as well as upkeep. We saw UNZA students taking to the streets… having a go at it with the Zambia Police, teargas, stones flying, rooms burning it was crazy, people calling in and giving the government a piece of their minds... some even mispronouncing the word as ''subsidiaries.''  It was quite eventful. For some it was the 1st time they were hearing of such a term hence the unrest… we heard of some people explaining to their friends that subsidies were some chemical that they put in mealie meal so that the germs die… and one Miss NIPA Participant was asked what subsidies were and unashamedly she answered that subsidy is “self-confidence…” and obviously before we know it the famous easterners will be naming their kids Subsidy or Sabu for short… lol 

But really what are subsidies and how do they affect the economy? I’ll go for the most common definition: "a subsidy refers to a payment made by the government to a producer. Subsidies can be direct – cash grants, interest-free loans – or indirect – tax breaks, insurance, low-interest loans, depreciation write-offs, rent rebates. This form of support can be legal, illegal, ethical or unethical. Subsidies are used for a variety of purposes, including employment, production and exports." Often subsidies are regarded as a form of protectionism or trade barrier by making domestic goods and services artificially competitive against imports. Subsidies may distort markets, and can impose large economic costs. Financial assistance in the form of a subsidy may come from one's government, but the term subsidy may also refer to assistance granted by others, such as individuals or non-governmental institutions.

That said, the government of Zambia removed subsidies on fuel and agriculture these have been some of the biggest expenditures of the government. It is safe to say that fuel subsidies add to the fiscal deficit, which in turn causes inflation. Reducing fuel subsidies would improve Zambia’s fiscal balance and create fiscal space for increased investment in infrastructure and other development activities. Environmental damage caused by the steady rise in the sale of fuel vehicles due to price differential between diesel and petrol can also be reversed over time.

With benefits of removing fuel subsidies known to everyone, it eventually boils down to the political economy of reform. Looking at it from way back it can be said that governments actually give subsidies as part of a political bargain — they are “a visible way to deliver benefits in exchange for political support.” Because they are a symbol of populist action by successive political leaders, these subsidies, once started, get permanently locked-in.

Something to critically look at though, is that, even if subsidies may free up resources for development, people have little confidence that this will happen given high levels of corruption in the country. The government would dread the scenes witnessed on the Nigerian streets where people came out with banners saying “Remove corruption, not subsidy”.

It is a very delicate issue, as in,. if you raise fuel prices, it has a cascading effect on the economy. The government should work out a solution so that this impacts the economy in the least manner but also brings down the fiscal deficit.

If fuel subsidies were meant to help the poor, then they were very poorly targeted. I might not have the statistics but I believe that billions of dollars/kwacha have been spent by the government in the past. Yet we haven’t seen a reduction but an increment in the poverty levels and reports that the MDG’s will not be met by 2015.

Allow me to highlight the fact that even if poor households previously got only a small portion of direct subsidies, the effects of subsidy removal on their incomes is far higher than for richer households. This is partly because raising fuel prices has a significant impact on inflation and cascading effects throughout the economy, via sectors such as transport and agriculture.

But the problem of removing fuel subsidies is not limited to chaotic democracies. Even China was unable to fully pass on fuel price increases at all times during 2010 and 2011. Elsewhere, attempts at fuel subsidy reduction were reversed within a few days in Ghana in 2008 and in Nigeria in January, and postponed in Indonesia earlier this year.

Overcoming political and public opposition to fuel subsidy removal would have been the order of the day in Zambia and for the current regime, in my thinking, hence the decision to go ahead and just announce the removal.

Just my thoughts really, subject to discussion… sometimes if we resist change we will end up being crushed. Let us be knowledgeable be well read so that when we want to argue we are well informed and not following the masses blindly. Let us work at developing and improving our country. Individual efforts always ripple out to the development of a country as a whole. God Bless Zambia.

Monday, April 15, 2013


We dream, dreams that awaken us to a rude awakening...
Not knowing that in persistence of your achievement at times there's weakening...
Going on in the wave of the motion sometimes sickening...
Not being told that in our pursuit there's a risking
Of failure

But there we are dreaming
Images and thoughts in our heads planning and scheming
Trying to put one and one together to understand life's meaning
Others look at you and laugh your dreams demeaning
Frustration hope loss and dream loss causing
Risking failure

But there we are
Talking to people hoping their inspiring
Or maybe looking to someone who might be hiring
To buy into your dreams desiring
Some turn you down with scorn laughing
If you had to look inside some of our minds its disturbing
What you sow that you'll be reaping
But when you dream you're risking

Now failure is not your destination
Cause I forgot to mention
It’s a process of learning
That that's not how it’s done
So you get to choose another path because there isn't just one

But here we are
When you have a dream you run with it
Achieving it you all know will make your life complete
Just because of something someone said and you want to quit
Let nothing hold you down, like NIKE just do it
All you are is risking failure

Sir Isaac Newton had a dream, Einstein had a dream...
Look at where we are
Martin Luther King had a dream
Never did he stop no matter how hard it seemed
I mean the brother died in the pursuit of his dream but his dream can now still be seen
So when you have a dream,
Stand on the mountain top don't stop just scream
And let the world see what your Great mind has dreamed!!!