Thursday, October 11, 2012

Intellectual Capital - "The Virtue of Creativity"

The ultimate resource in economic development is people, not capital or material resources. The greatest need in less developed countries is people who can do the new organizing job: this is the job of building an effective organisation of skilled and trained people exercising judgement and making responsible decisions.

Many times I have had conversations with people asking them, “If you had to win K 1 billion, what would you do”?? Various answers follow including “I’ll make a plan when I have the money” then in my mind I wonder what plan do you have that will ensure your survival and your living in life even after you’re past the age were you can work for somebody. (I’ll talk in length on this subject in my following posts). Makes me ask the questions, Where is the creativity, innovation, initiative your goal for leaving and adding value to this life you've been given??

“There many ways of killing a rat” goes the saying, some go to greater lengths to kill one while putting their lives at risk. It is our desire to always find easier way of doing things! Hence the saying “laziness is the mother of all invention” of course combined with creativity. Much as hard work (i.e. physical labor  can add value to what you’re doing, working SMART adds enterprise and invention to everything you do. Work becomes knowledgeable in the sense that it becomes productive in the required potentiality and your work becomes more profoundly cognizant for those benefiting from the service being offered. The cause of wealth is knowledge. This cause lies in the human hand. Being unhappy with your job or what you do doesn't help you or anybody; besides if you’re unhappy do something ‘different’ about it. Only you determine your happiness nobody else has the ability to. Remember this, and it will always remain true that good and morally admirable people make work environments, friendships, cities and even nations happy places in which to find oneself for which one gives thanks; whereas the company of vicious people is no fun at all unless you’re one of them…

For entrepreneurs, and enterprising individuals always be on the lookout for real and unusual talent. The first law is to listen; you must be meek yet shrewd enough to endure the humbling eclipse of self that comes in the process of found learning from others. Sad to say I have met a number of people in such high and influential position and some in lowly positions who never seem to want to learn but consider themselves an authority and a know it all, they don’t listen to any advice and don’t take criticism very well ending up being all moody and upset, when the advice doesn't suit their ears. This makes one unapproachable and highlights insecurity. True creators have a passionate love for learning; they thirst to get reality straight and true, they know that learning can come from one as small as a baby and/or the eldest citizen alive, they want what they create to endure, they want to withstand the buffering’s of the wind and sea, like a spray-drenched vessel “built to last”

That’s one of the way’s to learn to tap into your creative part (in my coming post I’ll highlight some important parts that will help tap into ones creative psyche). Capitalization (the act of capitalizing on an opportunity) is not constituted by formal instruments wholly but rather by creative wit and the sheer joy of creating something solid, substantial, lasting and worth loosing ones shirt for. The zest in creating arrives like justice earned. There is something more than money that most creative creators aim for. Because money may flow or not flow but there is and should always be something more a higher calling if that higher objective withers they too wither.

It’s our quest to reach the stars
We will stumble and fall to the ground
We however must quickly pick up our pieces
And rise again until we reach our goal

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